It all started when Tempe refused to go to bed last night. She just cried and fretted every time I put her down. This is odd because she's been on such a good schedule the past few months. Anyway, while she was deciding if she was sleepy or not, I was flipping through the channels and saw a documentary on people who lead secret lives. Sounds pretty interesting, right? They showcased a wealthy, sucessful business man who, twice a year, decides to become a Train Hobo. Woah. And let me tell you, this is just the tip of the Crazy Iceberg. These people made me feel normal.
Sissy and I watched shows about people who had unhealthy relationships with the dead- now I'm not talking necrophilia or anything so dramatic, but they were people like the inhabitants of Madagascar who dig up their dead every once in a while, throw a big party to reacquaint their dearly departed with the fam, throw some new swaddling on them and hope their mummified loved one can send some good luck and prosperity their way. No such luck so far, the man whose mother was dug up, only makes $1.38 a day. I think I'd leave the tomb closed next year.
I'm not going to say that the segment on Furry Fandom was odd, and I'm not really going to say it was funny either. There were some things that I tried (in vain) to understand, and there were some things that I hurt myself laughing at. Sorry if that's your thing.
For people who may not know, "Furries" think that they are both human and animal. They have a problem with anthropomorphizing (giving human feelings, emotions, and rationalizing capabilities to non-human things) animals. They had a pig, a blue cat, a fox, some sort of weird dragon/tree/fox hybrid...I dunno but that boy could swing around trees like a stripper on a pole.
The people they interviewed were socially awkward and unhappy with their lives. They felt that they could hide within these bulky, ridiculously animated outfits. I can understand the whole being-dissatisfied-the-the-cards-you-were-dealt scenario, but couldn't they just drink and smoke like the rest of us?
As for the anticipated sexual aspect of being a Furry, they didn't really delve into that, but I assume they don't scrog with their bulky costumes on. How would that even work?
I'm digging National Geographic's darker approach to MTV's True Life deal, and I plan on watching some more. I enjoy trying to figure out the psychology of people who participate in 'outlier' behavior.
:.Yup.: |